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ABC Tasks

You can preserve your mental energy & be productive through organizing your ABC tasks.

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ABC Tasks Planner

You can preserve your mental energy & be productive through organizing your ABC tasks.

Download and start
using the planner
templates so:

How to make the most out of the planners to stay productive?

A few key things to note is that when you get into rhythm with your ABC tasks, you'll notice there will likely be more B than A, and more C than B tasks. This is because your A tasks are your "need to be done now or yesterday" tasks, which you shouldn't have too many of normally.

Remember A tasks are always directly related to your current goal/s & are the tasks that will help you progress most towards those goals.

If you find yourself not completing your A & B tasks by the end of the day, try to see if there are tasks assigned to the wrong sections. See if you can prioritize a few over the others.

Don't feel bad if you don't finish sometimes, just take a moment or have weekly meetings with yourself to see how you can improve & why you may be struggling to finish certain tasks.

Free Download

ABC Tasks

Preserve your mental energy & feel good about being productive

Download and start using the planner templates so:

How to make the most out of the planners to stay productive?

A few key things to note is that when you get into rhythm with your ABC tasks, you'll notice there will likely be more B than A, and more C than B tasks. This is because your A tasks are your "need to be done now or yesterday" tasks, which you shouldn't have too many of normally.

Remember A tasks are always directly related to your current goal/s & are the tasks that will help you progress most towards those goals.

If you find yourself not completing your A & B tasks by the end of the day, try to see if there are tasks assigned to the wrong sections. See if you can prioritize a few over the others.

Don't feel bad if you don't finish sometimes, just take a moment or have weekly meetings with yourself to see how you can improve & why you may be struggling to finish certain tasks.

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